how to avoid overeating during quarantine

The most frequently asked question from my Instagram Q+A was: “How do I stop overeating?”

There are a few reasons why this is an area of interest:

The coronavirus pandemic is challenging us in ways we’ve never been challenged before. It has inflicted emotional trauma at an unprecedented scale. We are all experiencing a wide range of emotions and we all cope with these emotions differently.

Not only are we coping with the emotional trauma, but we are also quarantined in our homes. We are BORED AF and only a few steps away from our pantry and fridge. It can be difficult to make healthy decisions when we are dealing with emotional trauma, starting new routines, bored, and/or in close proximity to food.


Or as social media named it, the “quarantine 15.” However, the extra “15 lbs” is just the tip of the iceberg. The consequences of mindlessly eating can lead to unwanted weight gain, negative body image, guilt and shame, and emotional insecurity.

Let your snack and meal time to be a way to honor your real hunger, not soothe you feelings. This crazy time opens up time to practice mindful eating!

Here are my top 7 tips to avoid overeating:

Understand Your Triggers

First, understand WHY you’re overeating. Is it stress, anger, sadness, boredom? It’s important for you to become acutely aware of your triggers. Managing triggers begins with identifying patterns and learning to cope with those feelings and emotions in a healthier way. For example, if you’re bored, try going for a walk or calling grandma!

Make Realistic and Attainable Goals

Nutrition-related goals can be overwhelming. A great way to navigate the difficulties of creating a goal that works for you is to create a SMART goal. SMART goals enable you to clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, and productively use time and resources to optimize your chances of achieving your goals. SMART goal stands for:

  • Specific: direct, detailed, and meaningful
  • Measurable: quantifiable
  • Achievable: realistic and you have the tools and resources to attain it
  • Relevant: reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based
  • Time-bound: your goal has a deadline
Don’t Deprive

Studies show that deprivation can lead to overeating. This study from the International Journal of Eating Disorders suggests that chocolate-deprived restrained eaters consumed more chocolate than did any other group. Restrained eaters experienced more food cravings that did unrestrained eaters and were more likely to eat the craved food.

If your body is craving chocolate, allow yourself to mindfully indulge by practicing the 3-Bite-Rule! Grab 3 bites of chocolate from the pantry, sit down, put it on a plate, and enjoy because you deserve the damn chocolate!!

Guzzle Some H2O

Symptoms of dehydration, like tiredness, dizziness, and lightheadedness often mimic hunger and sometimes we mistake the symptoms of dehydration for hunger. Aim to drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces. I shoot for 3 Liters/day (~100 fl ounces)!

Eat Regular Meals

A common misconception is that skipping meals promotes weight loss; however, skipping meals may prevent weight loss and eventually lead to weight gain! Skipping meals causes your blood sugar levels to drop. Low blood sugar can lead to hunger and trigger ravenous eating at your next meal. Stick to a regular eating schedule to prevent overeating!

Pre-Portion Snacks

Serving size is the standardized amount of food which may be used to quantify recommended amounts or represent quantities that people typically consume. Portion size is the actual food that is placed on your plate that reflects your own choice. Portion size can be more or less than a serving.

Let me give you a visual: Portion size is the amount of food that I’d eat if I ate chips out of the bag while standing in my pantry. Serving size is the amount of chips that provides the calories, fat, sodium, etc. we see on the Nutrition Facts label.

Instead of eating out of the container ( err, chip bag ), take the food out of the bag/container and put it in a bowl. That way, you can see EXACTLY how much you’re eating!

Practice Mindful Eating With the T-C-P Strategy

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this strategy. The Table-Chair-Plate ( T-C-P ) strategy has been such a game changer. I first learned about this strategy from my former boss, Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD.

The T-C-P strategy is when you eat from a plate while seated at the table ( not standing in the pantry or fridge ). Research has found you’ll naturally eat less AND you enjoy your food more with this strategy.

At the end of the day, be kind to yourself –we are in a pandemic after all!

It is OKAY to be experiencing a mix of emotions. It is OKAY if you gain a few pounds.

Don’t allow any suboptimal decisions to paralyze you. You’re only human!!

Sending ALL MY LOVE and POSITIVE VIBES to all of you. Stay safe, stay sane. 😉

xx hails


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