I feel like this is where I should say “viewer discretion is advised” bc MY GOD… My teeth looked 50 shades of NASTY before I whitened them… And the before-after pic CLEARLY shows how much my teeth needed a good whitening treatment.


I live in Madison, WI so my winter has been V HARSH… So harsh that I swapped out my fave chilled glass of rosé for cabernet. You know it’s BAD when I give up my rosé for a WHOLE SEASON. I LOVE a good, hardy glass of wine, and cabernet never fails to satisfy my desire for a tannic glass of red. It also never fails to leave a stain on my teeth… But that STILL doesn’t hold me back from pouring my 5 oz.

I’d explain my coffee addiction to you guys, but you all know that I can’t go a day without at least 2 cups of coffee. Like my lovely cabernet, it never fails to stain my teeth.

My dentist enjoys guessing what my fave food and drinks are based on my teeth’s appearance. I am a dedicated flosser and use an electric tooth brush. Those two clean up my teeth, but they don’t clean up that whole cabernet-coffee stained teeth sitch. Good thing my two favorite bevvies stain my teeth!!

He can usually detect my brekkie ( WELL – if I didn’t have time to brush & floss before going to the dentist ), BUT if I do brush, he always points out my coffee addiction – evident by my stained teeth.

scared homer simpson GIF

** slowly sinks back into dentist chair **

But ya know, I’m a college student and need coffee to keep me awake for my study benders and a glass of cab to pair with my cheetah Barefoot Dreams blanket + Netflix ( rewatching Grace & Frankie for the 100th time ) while I relax after a wave of midterms. But, that doesn’t mean that I HAVE to walk around with nasty stains on my teeth.

ENTER: Smile Brilliant

Why I LOVE Smile Brilliant:

CUSTOMIZE: They make customized teeth trays so you can hit every angle of tooth. Coffee and cab can reach any and every angle of your tooth, so why shouldn’t your teeth whitener?? I have used Walgreens teeth whitening strips but I found that the strips often slipped around don’t reach every angle. 🙃

PRICE + CONVENIENCE: The teeth whitening set costs 70% less and is 5x more effective than the same service at a US dentist. Because it is an AT HOME set, you can do it in the comfort of your own judgement free zone home. Nobody to judge my excessive caffeine & cab intake. 😈

PORTABILITY: It’s easy AF to travel with. For spring break, I flew to Florida. I’m always that girl who is pushing the 50 lb threshold on the suitcase scale – who doesn’t need 47 lbs of clothes for a few days out of town??? I brought my teeth whitening set with me to Florida – ya know, ya gotta have white teeth for the gram – and it fit perfectly in my already snug toiletry bag, NO PROBLEM !!

SENSITIVITY HELP: The Smile Brilliant offers a desensitizing gel to help eliminate tooth sensitivity and prevents re-staining in the process. I do have sensitive teeth – so much that I use Sensodyne toothpaste daily – and this was a HUGE turn on for this brand. The desensitizing gel is helpful because during the process of whitening, the gel opens up the pores to lift your coffee + cab stains. During that process, the teeth become slightly dehydrated. This temporarily reduces insulation and allows the nerve to be more susceptible to changes in temperature. Desensitizing gel counteracts such issues by temporarily blocking pores and allowing your teeth the opportunity to rehydrate.


I seamlessly integrated my whitening into my normal routine. I whitened my teeth every other day or third day. You do have to set aside 45+ minutes for whitening and 15-20 minutes for the desensitizing gel.This was a big chunk of time that I allocated to whitening my teeth, BUT I have 10,000 things on my to-do list anyways so I just meal prepped & worked on HW while my teeth were whitening. LOVE a good multitask situation.

I didn’t have any issues with sensitivity. I started at 45 minutes and worked my way up based on the sensitivity I experienced. Once or twice I felt a little sensitivity that lasted a few seconds, but nothing that was of concern. The whitening allowed me to say BUH-BYE to facetune’s whitening tool – the internet is curated anyways, so why not bring your sparkling pearly white facetuned teeth into real life???

TYSM, Smile Brilliant for bringing life to my teeth that were stained with 50 shades of cab & coffee !!

If you want to say BUH-BYE to facetune and HELLO to REAL whitened teeth, enter my Smile Brilliant giveaway HERE for a $149 Smile Brilliant credit OR use “allhailsthekale15” for 15% off your purchase storewide!!

xx hails

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