My Top 3 Motivational Podcasts

Have you joined the podcast bandwagon???

LIKE – no seriously. Have you?

I am the podcast KWEEN…

Every morning, I wake up, go pee, meditate for 10 minutes on Headspace, chug water, brush my teeth while setting out my breakfast food ( #multitasking ), and turn on a motivational podcast.

This is ALL a non-negotiable for me in the AM. I truly believe that my morning routine sets the tone of the day. I avoid scrolling through my endless Instagram feed because I find that it makes me feel anxious and I end up wasting a half hour of my morning playing the comparison game.

Oh and emails… Don’t get me started on emails. There is nothing that will raise your cortisol levels like an email notification about grade updates, work emails, etc. etc.

Keep it simple. Leave the talking to the inspirational // motivational podcast. 😉

( no seriously, pls don’t talk to me until i’ve had my collagen coffee !! )


I’M OBSESSED WITH The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER Show!! The hosts, Lauryn Evarts Bosstick and Michael Bosstick are two bad ass entrepreneurs who tease through the stories, habits, routines, etc. of celebrities, entrepreneurs, influencers, experts, and thought leaders on the podcast. These two touch on any and every subject with an open mind and aren’t afraid to discuss uncomfortable or taboo topics including mental health, relationships, monetizing, and more! Uncomfortable conversations are often the ones that need to be discussed the most.


This podcast is hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, vlogger, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk. On this podcast you’ll find a mix of the Ask GaryVee show episodes, keynote speeches on marketing and business, segments from his DAILYVEE video series, interviews and fireside chats .

“Hustle”, “No Excuses”, “Eat shit for a decade” are the three things Gary probably says most on his podcast. It’s aggressive, it’s a lot, but I respect his message.

Have you ever found yourself saying: “I want to do XYZ, but…”

*cue the laundry list of excuses*

Gary would listen to you and say “…and …and …and??” He does a great job of suffocating excuses so you can execute and reach your goals – whether it’s to develop the world’s largest smurf t-shirt company to dominating the tennis court.


Good god. Where do I even start. I am the textbook definition of a Tim Ferriss groupie. I got my mom to join the bandwagon and we listen to his podcast when driving to & from Madison, WI.

When I hear “Tim Ferriss”, I think “human optimization”. In each episode, Tim deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas to extract the tactics, tools, and routines. He really digs deep into the specifics including favorite books, morning routines ( YOU BET I HAVE MY NOTE PAD OUT !! ), exercise habits, time-management tricks, and so much more. Some of his past guests include: Tony Robbins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, LeBron James, Maria Sharapova, Malcolm Gladwell ( BUT HAVE YOU READ OUTLIERS YET?? ), and SO many more.

Tim brings on a wide-range of guests and I find that I resonate with some guests more than others, but the absence of uniformity opens up my mind to other topics, aspects, and opinions. This podcast elevates the listener’s capacity to have empathy and an open mind. How can you grow and mature if you are only caught up in your own opinion??


Everyone has heard the saying, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”, and I do believe that that is true.

Last summer, I got my two dream internships in New York City. I didn’t have any professional contacts in NYC, but I wanted to get there so I figured it out. I wrote a blog post that broke down how I “hacked” my way into the big apple and a lot of the motivation and drive I derived from these podcasts resulted in me earning those internships. IT SOUNDS CRAY CRAY – I know. But feeding myself with valuable information from these successful people suffocated my excuses of “not having professional contacts” or even “not having enough time.”

What are your fave podcasts?!!

xx hails